Fish ID
Feel free to check through the list of species that I have seen and filmed - it might just help you to determine what you have seen. If you are really keen, feel free to email me at on my CONTACT page and I'll see if I can help you to identify your fishes with the help of my friends at the AustralianMuseum. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7NWqIzps8eI
Common Sydney Octopus - Octopus tetricus
The distinctive white eye pupil and orange-rust red arms of this octopus species is often the first thing you notice as they emerge from their lairs under rock ledges.
Fortescue, Centropogon australis (White, 1790)
The Fortescue has a brown to white body with dark brown to black bars. It has two large spines on either side of the head that can be projected sideways when the fish is disturbed. The first dorsal fin has 16 strong spines that are capable of inflicting a very painful sting.
Crested Hornshark, Heterodontus galeatus (Günther, 1870)
The Crested Hornshark resembles the Port Jackson Shark, which has a harness-like pattern on the sides of the body and lower ridges above the eyes. It is found from shallow inshore waters, down to depths of around 90 m, feeding off echinoderms, crustaceans, molluscs and small fishes.
Coffin Ray, Hypnos monopterygius (Shaw & Nodder 1795)
The Coffin Ray is well known to divers. The fish often hides under the sand from where it can deliver a powerful electric shock to anyone who touches it.
Eastern Smooth Boxfish, Anoplocapros inermis (Fraser-Brunner, 1935)
The Eastern Smooth Boxfish is commonly seen washed up on beaches in south eastern Australia. The hard 'discus-like' carapace is quite distinctive.
Araara, Pseudocaranx georgianus (Cuvier, 1833)
The Araara is greenish-grey dorsally and silver-white ventrally. It is a schooling species that occurs in New Zealand and temperate Australian marine waters.